My Acupuncture Journey

I was introduced to acupuncture about 15 years ago when my girlfriend brought me with her to one of her acupuncture treatments.  I have always been fascinated by Alternative Medicine after being introduced to the Ayurvedic principles when working for the plant and science based company, Aveda. I learned the value of treating the whole person to achieve a greater sense of balance and well-being.  After my very first acupuncture treatment, I noticed an immediate improvement in my digestion and quickly began seeing the benefits  of adding this type of care to my overall wellness approach. 

Mind Body Connection

One of the things that I found difficult during my first few treatments was having to lie completely still for 30-45 minutes. Even though the acupuncture needles are only inserted  ¼ -½ inch into the skin, I found if I moved certain body parts even a tiny bit – I usually felt an electrical impulse shoot through my body. To reap the maximum benefits of the treatment, I quickly found that I needed to let go and not focus on the needles or the initial discomfort I feel when some needles are inserted.

I now call my treatments, my spa days. It’s one of the best ways I practice self-care. I spend an hour in meditation and complete relaxation. It forces me to turn off the outside world and focus on healing my body. During one of my recent treatments, I experienced an unusual (for me) feeling of bliss and harmony. When I asked my practitioner what needle he put in to create this, he told me not to question it; that is what my body needed. How can you not love that?


I have often been asked how I find the time to go to my monthly acupuncture appointments and my answer simply is, “I can’t afford NOT to!” When people say, “The treatment and herbal remedies are expensive and I don’t want to spend the money, ” I think they are saying that they don’t see the value or benefits. The benefits that I have experienced from having received regular acupuncture treatments have been: 

    • Reduced stress
    • Reduced back pain, neck tension, and relief from joint pain
    • Reduced eye strain
    • Improved immune system (which has drastically reduced my sick days)
    • Enhanced mental clarity and increased energy
    • Hormonal balance and a natural approach to dealing with the symptoms of menopause 

The last point has impacted my life most profoundly. In the past, I suffered from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) which is a severe, sometimes disabling extension of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). When I found myself in perimenopause, I tried several hormonal replacement therapies which did not go well. My practitioner helped me wean off the drugs and start an herbal supplement regimen along with acupuncture treatments targeting hormonal imbalances, which helped me sail through menopause.  After reading and hearing the horror stories of what women experienced while going through menopause, I was so grateful for his care and guidance through this challenging time. 

You will hear me say this a lot if you read my blog posts: you are going to pay on the front end or the back end. Paying on the front end being preventative care, potentially giving you a better quality of life and longevity. Paying on the back end being expensive doctor and hospital bills when you are in crisis with your health.  I will take my chances on the front end, thank you very much!

Before & After treatment

My very first practitioner, who was very devout in the ways of Chinese medicine, used to instruct me not to drink caffeine 2-3 hours before or after treatment because the body can become even more dehydrated after acupuncture. This also included abstaining from alcohol on the day of treatment. She also told me not to do any intense physical activities, massage, sauna, or bath.  The body needs rest to aid in getting it back into balance. I have been pretty good about this, because if I’m taking time out of my busy day – I want to get the maximum benefits of the treatment before, during, and after. 

Choosing an acupuncturist

Choosing an acupuncturist can seem like an overwhelming process but it doesn’t have to be.  Here are my recommendations:

    • Get referrals from friends, your primary care physician, or your insurance company.
    • Consider gender. You will be discussing personal information with this person, so if you think you will be more comfortable with a particular gender, then consider this when doing your research.
    • How long has the acupuncturist been in practice?
    • What training, licensing & certifications does an acupuncturist have?
    • Does an acupuncturist have experience treating your type of condition or problem?
    • What techniques does the acupuncturist use? 

Bottom Line

As I get older, I am realizing that I need to take a more active role in my healthcare and not just leave that to the health professionals. I need to educate myself about options and make the best decision for my body. After all, I live inside it and I am the one who knows it best. Now that I have assembled a great team of healthcare providers, I need to communicate with them proactively and ask questions.

Acupuncture has been a great type of care for me and the health challenges that life has thrown my way. I am more committed than ever to finding drug-free options and using food as medicine whenever possible along with making lifestyle changes.  I encourage you to do research and see if this type of care is right for you. If you want to learn more about Chinese medicine, I highly recommend the book Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine


Over To You

I would love to hear from you! Have you tried acupuncture? How have you benefited from this type of treatment? What tips would you give others considering it? Please let me know your thoughts by commenting below. 


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