Love & Life

Life is meant to be lived with passionate intention and at LEO & MAUDE, anything in life is possible with love. Dogs can become children and children can become best friends. Farts are always funny and funny is always welcome. Our princes may not always be riding white horses, but we are always surrounded by wonderful weirdos who help us find beauty in the smallest of moments. This is where we burst out of the boxes that the world wants us to fit inside.

The Ring That United Us: A Story of Family, Love, and Legacy

A cherished cocktail ring, once a source of sibling rivalry, became a symbol of unity and love, bonding five sisters through a family legacy.


Perfect workspace
10 Steps to Creating and Personalizing Your Perfect Workspace
Creating a perfect workspace that is personalized and aesthetically pleasing, can have an impact on your productivity and well-being.
How to Plan an Epic Birthday Photo Shoot (with a Smash Cake)
Is this the year that you commemorate another orbit around the sun with an epic birthday photo shoot? If so, this is for you!
Ancestral Roots
Echoes of Éire: Exploring My Ancestral Roots in Ireland
With ancestral roots that run deep, my recent trip to Ireland was the chance of a lifetime to visit the place my ancestors called home.
Wedding Planning Tips Every Bride Should Read
You just got engaged, and now it's time to start wedding planning. After creating the wedding of my dreams, I'm sharing my advice.
Fall in Love with Self-Love
8 Ways to Fall in Love With Yourself This Valentine’s Day
If you are looking for a way to fall in love with yourself this Valentine's Day, I have eight for you. You deserve your own ...
Daily Affirmations
20 Daily Affirmations to Positively Transform Your Mindset
Overwhelmed by negative thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviors? Transform your mindset with these daily affirmations.
New Year's Resolutions Template
A New Year’s Resolution Template that Brings Forth a New You
Use this New Year’s Resolution template to help you explore what’s most important to you. New Year - New You!
Holiday Self Care
How to Practice Self-Care During the Holiday Season
We often forget about self-care during the busy holiday season, but let's make room and keep the "me" in "merry" this year.
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