Health & Wellness

Our journeys of longevity are incredibly personal and should be centered around our individual needs. Last we checked a manual for achieving optimal health and wellness had yet to exist, so join us as we explore personal boundaries, celebrate self-care, strive for serenity, and synchronize our minds, bodies and souls. Let us find the balance, live long and prosper, friends.
Healthy Aging

Explore the Art of Healthy Aging: Nourish Your Body and Soul

Discover the secret to healthy aging through wholesome nutrition. Embrace vitality with nourishing foods. Let's explore together!


Fall in Love with Self-Love
8 Ways to Fall in Love With Yourself This Valentine’s Day
If you are looking for a way to fall in love with yourself this Valentine's Day, I have eight for you. You deserve your own ...
Daily Affirmations
20 Daily Affirmations to Positively Transform Your Mindset
Overwhelmed by negative thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviors? Transform your mindset with these daily affirmations.
New Year's Resolutions Template
A New Year’s Resolution Template that Brings Forth a New You
Use this New Year’s Resolution template to help you explore what’s most important to you. New Year - New You!
Holiday Self Care
How to Practice Self-Care During the Holiday Season
We often forget about self-care during the busy holiday season, but let's make room and keep the "me" in "merry" this year.
Menopause Products
How to Cope with the Crazy World of Menopause Symptoms
Women don’t need to suffer through menopause symptoms. Ask the right questions and know that help is here. You are NOT crazy!
My Acupuncture Journey
I was introduced to acupuncture about 15 years ago when my girlfriend brought me with her to one of her acupuncture treatments.  I have always ...
Pushing My Limits Through Physical Fitness Challenges
I love a challenge. What I love even more is how I have found ways to push myself to all my limits through physical fitness.
My Vegan Journey: Talking About The Basics
Becoming vegan has been a huge element of my journey to attain optimal health and wellness, and I cover the basics in this post.
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